
Microsoft’s Imagine Access Is Your All-Access Pass For The Software Tools You Need

The good thing for developers who use Microsoft tools is there is no shortage of those tools. If you’re just starting out there is now no shortage of tools that will help you without having to throw you in at the deep end. Still there is a lot to learn but where to start has gotten a little easier.

Microsoft Imagine connects you with the tools and knowledge you need to create, code, and develop your ideas. So whether you’re new to coding, studying it in school, or planning for your career, you can dream big, build creatively, and boldly bring your ideas to life. Microsoft Imagine Access is students all-access pass for the software tools they need, no matter their skill level or experience, and all at no cost.

Featured software for beginning coders:

Featured software for taking your next steps into coding:

Featured software for advanced coding students:

Get even more advanced software from Microsoft DreamSpark & GitHub:

For more information go here.

Source Microsoft NewsStudents: Microsoft’s Imagine Access Is Your All-Access Pass For The Software Tools You Need.

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Microsoft will soon help you find friends with Windows phones

It’s fairly easy to find friends and family if you have an Android or IOS device, but finding your pals with a Windows phone? Not so much, unless you come across the right third-party apps. That may not be a big challenge for longer. Spanish site Microsoft Place has detailed an as yet unreleased service, People Sense, that will let you share and track locations with other Windows phone owners. The basic concept is familiar if you’ve seen Apple’s Find My Friends, but there’s a stronger emphasis on reaching out — you can call or message contacts in-app, and even get directions if you’d like to meet face to face. People Sense is still in private beta testing (it’s listed as “Buddy Aware” at the moment) and has no clear release date, but it won’t be surprising if the software plays a role in Windows 10.

Source EngadgetMicrosoft will soon help you find friends with Windows phones.


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